On November 8-10, 2021, at the Krynica Hotel in Krynica-Zdrój, the XIII International Scientific Conference “Innovations in pressure die-casting” was held, organized by the Main Board, the Łódź Branch and the Pressure Foundry Section of the Main Board of the Polish Founders’ Technical Association. About 65 participants from Poland and abroad took part in the conference – representatives of the world of science, industry and companies specializing in the production of pressure die casting, machinery and equipment, tools, materials and simulation programs in the field of pressure casting.
The conference was started by the chairman of the Pressure Foundry Section of ZG STOP, President of the Management Board of the Łódzkie STOP Department, mgr inż. Wiesław Walczak, cordially welcomed the participants of the Conference, which was organized after a 1.5-year break caused by restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic.
The conference was divided into two sessions. Both sessions were chaired by prof. dr hab. Eng. Zbigniew Konopka.
During the first session, nine company presentations and papers were delivered:
The state of foundry in Europe and the USA in 2019-2020
Jerzy J. Sobczak, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Piotr Dudek, SBŁ-Krakowski Instytut Technologiczny |
Simulation of High Pressure Die Casting using MAGMASOFT® – State-Of-The-Art
Ryszard Skoczylas, KOM-ODLEW Sp. z o. o. |
The benefits of vacuum for the high-pressure die casting
Lukas Maetz, FONDAREX SA |
The use of modern solutions in reducing porosity of pressure castings and production costs
Piotr Dudek, Joanna Białoń, Marcin Małysza, Wiesław Walczak, Konrad Wrzała |
Thermovision in pressure die-casting
Rafał Majcher, Petrofer-Polska Sp. z o.o. |
Effect of refining parameters on mechanical properties of EN AC 46000 alloy gravity die castings
Grzegorz Gumienny, Tomasz Szymczak, Bogusław Pisarek, Jakub Gawroński, Tadeusz Pacyniak, Politechnika Łódzka |
Prezentacja firmy, Quaker Houghton company presentation
Dominik Jezierski, Quaker Houghton Poland Die Cast – Quaker Houghton |
Modern devices in the die-casting foundry to reduce the porosity of the castings
Piotr Dudek, Justyna Piwowońska, Wiesław Walczak, Konrad Wrzała |
New requirements in die casting Multiple Zone. Temperature Control
Roland Luschtinetz ROBAMAT Automatisierungstechnik Gesellschaft GmbH, Austria |
W drugiej sesji wygłoszono 5 referatów.Sesję zakończyła dyskusja odnosząca się do wygłoszonych referatów i prezentacji.
New generation die-casting machines 5S. New injection system
Marek Czyżewski, Idra srl |
Application of artificial intelligence in foundry
Paweł Malinowski, AGH |
Pump for emptying furnaces and recovery of aluminum from chips
Rafał Piech, Pyrotek Netherlands B.V. |
Environmentally friendly technologies
Paweł Szypuła, Pyrotek CZ., s.r.o. |
The effect of circulating scrap on the properties of EN AC-46000 alloy
Tomasz Szymczak, Grzegorz Gumienny, Bogusław Pisarek, Jakub Gawroński, Tadeusz Pacyniak, Politechnika Łódzka |
This session also ended with a discussion.
The conference allowed for the exchange of experiences with participants dealing with issues related to the broadly understood pressure casting.